报 告 人:黄起海 教授
主 持 人:杨学儒 副教授
时 间:2018年4月12日上午9:30-12:00
地 点:天游线路检测中心602会议室
黄起海,英国Keele大学管理学院创业与管理学教授,博士生导师。他的研究领域包括创业与人力资源管理的定性与定量研究,研究成果发表在诸如《Human Resource Management Journal》、《British Journal of Industrial Relations》、《Technovation》和《Journal of Business Research》等SSCI一区期刊。他也是《Entrepreneurship and Regional Development》中国创业研究专刊的客座主编。
黄起海教授在北京大学和University of Bristol获得学位,在其从事学术研究之前,曾在我国中央政府部门工作。
Topic: Opportunity Identification and Success of Migrant Entrepreneurs in Emerging Economies: dual embeddedness and institutional development
Abstract :We integrate insights from the social embeddedness perspective and institution theory with research on immigrant entrepreneurship to theorize how local and ethnic embeddedness influences migrant entrepreneurs’opportunity identification and their venture performance under different institutional environments. Emerging economies are witnessing the large-scale movement of internal migrants, i.e., the movement of people within the boundaries of a nation-state, many of whom become entrepreneurs but have been neglected in the available research. Using data derived from on a national household survey on migrant population in China, we find that migrant entrepreneurs’ embeddedness in both locality (host) and ethnic group of people from the same origin (hometown) is positively associated with entrepreneurial opportunity identification and also performance. However, such relationships are moderated by local institutional environment in different ways.