报告题目:Ethical Behavior in Purchasing: A Cross-Country Experiment
报 告 人:Xenophon Koufteros, Professor
Mays Business School, Texas A & M University, USA
主 持 人:符少玲 教授
时 间:2018年5月16日(周三)上午10:00
地 点:天游线路检测中心602会议室
Prof. Xenophon Koufteros also holds the Jenna & Calvin R. Guest Professor in Business. He has published 40 articles in refereed journals, including operations management top Journal: Journal of Operations Management, Production and Operations Management. In 2012, he ranked as one of the World’s Top Innovation Management Scholars.He served as associate editor of Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Supply Chain Management, Journal of Business Logistics, and Decision Sciences. He received the Best Associate Editor Award for Journal of Operations Management and for Journal of Supply Chain Management and the Best Empirical Paper Award for Decision Sciences. He is also a member of the editorial board for Production & Operations Management, Structural Equation Modeling: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Educational & Psychological Measurement, and Journal of Marketing Channels.