报告题目:Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences 2019报告人:林继耕博士主持人:谭莹教授时间:2019...
报告题目:Measuring Urban Bias in Capital Allocation: Evidence from China报 告 人:肖伟副教授主 持 ...
报告题目:On the Formation of Free Trade Agreements报告人:Xinghe Wang密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校教授主持...
报告题目:A holistic review of behavioral information systems security research报 告 人:罗欣教授,...
报告题目(一):Institutional environment for entrepreneurship, strategic flexibility, and entrepren...
报告题目:中国农村土地三权分置: 实践中的模糊空间和背后的理论思考报 告 人:钟甫宁教授主 持 人:米运生...
报告题目:Interdisciplinary research on irrigation and development: two Indian examples报 告 人:Pete...